I am ST, the keeper of the
Bose L1® Wiki.
I found your wiki and thought you would enjoy this.
Unearthing the Mysteries of the Leslie Cabinet
by Clifford A. Henricksen Community Light & Sound
First published in Recording Engineer/Producer magazine, April 1981.
Hey ST - That is a great article, thanks for adding the link. As it turns out, there was already a page on UnearthingTheMysteriesOfTheLeslieCabinet on this wiki (though there are seemingly very few links to it.) Anyhow, I've moved the link to the Bose L1 wiki page to that page. -- JeffDairiki
Hey Jeff - Sorry, I should probably have done a search before posting. It turns out that the reason that article is on the Bose L1 wiki is - Clifford Henricksen is the inventor of the Bose L1. -- StBoseWiki
No problem. Links, comments and notes are always welcome. Interesting about Henricksen — he sounds like an inventor from the same mold as DonLeslie. -- JeffDairiki
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