~~</tt> for _*both, <tt>~= for fixed width.
_Term:~<new-line> definition_ for definition lists.
~?page link or URL ~~http:/cool.wiki.int?~http://cool.wiki.int/.
~~~?DoNotHyperlink, name links like ~?text.
" or "~
" makes a linebreak,
"~----" makes a horizontal rule.
small tt em strong
abbr acronym cite
dfn kbd samp
var sup sub
* indented asterisk (indent at least two spaces) for second level, etc.
lists, # for numbered lists (mix at will)
<pre> Term: definition
- Term
- definition
as in the =<DL><DT><DD>= list
just indent the items
Preformatted text. ?WikiLinks still work.
</verbatim> gives
Preformatted text. ?WikiLinks still work.
Preformatted text. ~?WikiLinks do not work.
Preformatted text. WikiLinks do not work.
This is an indented block of text. This block is even more indented.
<pre> > This is block-quoted text.
renders as
This is block-quoted text.
_cannot_ cross paragraph boundaries: _this will not work_
page name in square brackets: ?this is a page link or ?UsingWikiWords (preferred)
hyperlink or pagename:PhpWiki home page --- the front page
preceding the word with a '~~', e.g. ~?NotLinkedAsWikiName, ~http://not.linked.to/
with "http:", "ftp:" or "mailto:" to create links automatically as in:http://c2.com/
brackets, by themselves:
referring to the anchor in a hyperlink: * Named anchors: * ~#~?foo: An anchor around the text "foo" with id "foo". * ~#~?foo: An empty anchor with id "foo". * ~#~?howdy: An anchor around the text "howdy" with id "foo". * References to name anchors are made thusly:
~?~#[#hyperlinks], ~?~OtherPage#foo, ~?named.
except that you replace the trailing colon on the term with a "pipe" (|). <pre> Term 1 | Definition 1 begins here. Term 1.1 | Definition 1.1 Term 1.2 | Definition 1.2 This is part of definition 1. Term 2 | Here's definition 2.
Term 1 | Definition 1 begins here. |
Term 1.1 | Definition 1.1 | |
Term 1.2 | Definition 1.2 | |
This is part of definition 1. |
Term 2 | Here's definition 2. |
b, big, i, small,
tt, em, strong,
abbr, acronym, cite,
, dfn, kbd,
samp, var, sup and sub
of wiki maintenance and other special links.
pages. For example, <verbatim> <?plugin BackLinks page=HomePage info=hits ?> </verbatim> gives <?plugin BackLinks page=HomePage info=hits ?>
The content of this page is Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Geoffrey T. Dairiki and
the other authors of the content, whoever they may be.
This is free information and you are welcome redistribute it
under certain conditions; see
http://www.dairiki.org/HammondWiki/opl.html for details.
Absolutely no warrantee is made as to the correctness of
the information on this page.