The first Hammond-Leslie FAQ was written by BradBaker in 1994. See HammondFaq for pointers to the current FAQ.
From the Preface
Welcome to the Hammond organ and Leslie speaker Frequently Answered Questions: a source of information, myth and lore regarding all things Hammond and Leslie for seasoned elders, new converts, skeptics, and visitors alike. It is hoped that among the fanatical ravings herein will be found real, actual, useful information. The information in this FAQ was collected from various sources, but most of the good stuff came from postings to the Hammond Mailing List (MarkLongosOldMailingList, that is.)
Brad has graciously granted permission to use whatever material we like from his FAQs as seed material for this HammondWiki.
A (rather old) copy of Brad's FAQ is online at:
A newer version (extracted from a postscript version) is at:
Here's the table of contents of the OriginalHammondLeslieFaq, annotated with links to the sections which have been excerpted into HammondWiki.
The Hammond Tone Wheel Organ - WhatIsAHammondOrgan
HOW-TOs: Repairs, Modifications, and Tech Tips
The Leslie Tone Cabinet "Pipe Voice of the Electric Organ"
The Basic Configuration - Leslie
Determining the Age of a Hammond or Leslie
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