You can still get an owner's manual or service manual for your Hammond. OrganServiceCo has manuals available for just about every Hammond made. Other vendors (eg. GoffProf) have manuals for a more restricted range of Hammonds, mainly the A's, B's, C's, RT's.
Other possible (hardcopy) sources:
Mark Glinsky's Manual Manor -
There are also scans of various service manuals and schematics on the internet. Here are some pointers:
service manual for an A-100, as well as this
collection of schematics.
Leslie and
Hammond schematics.
You can find archives of his contributions atthe wayback machine.
Hammond also published many TechnicalServiceBulletins and Service Letters for the benefit of their techs and dealers.
WaynePrue has written a
"Hammond Disassembly & Restoration Manual for Non-technicians".
It seems to be well illustrated with very nice color photos, but it's not cheap.
And here's an on-line clickable manual/tg wiring chart
which will show you which tones go to what drawbar, and where they come from.
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