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LinkIcons are an optional new feature of PhpWiki. When activated, icons will be displayed in front of URLs to indicate the type of link.

  http link
  generic internet link
  InterWiki link
  https link
  mailto link
  ftp link

Note: Some of the default icons use the alpha channel feature of the PNG image format for smooth rendering on any page color or textured background. Older browsers may not display all the images properly.


The following examples will display with the above link icons only if the administrator has enabled this feature.

InterWiki links


A generic icon is shown for other less common link types.

LinkIcons will only display when the URL protocol is one which PhpWiki is allowed to link to. The following examples won't show any icons and PhpWiki won't automatically provide double-clickable links either, unless the administrator adds them:


The content of this page is Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Geoffrey T. Dairiki and the other authors of the content, whoever they may be.
This is free information and you are welcome redistribute it under certain conditions; see for details.
Absolutely no warrantee is made as to the correctness of the information on this page.