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To add a new page to Wiki, all you have to do is come up with a meaningful title, capitalize all the words and ?StringThemTogetherLikeThis. Wiki automagically recognizes it as a hyperlink. Alternatively, you can put anything into square brackets.

Then you can go ahead and ?ClickTheQuestionMark at the end of your new hyperlink, and the Wiki will give you a window for making the new page.

If you wish to add documents with complex markup to the Wiki, you might be better off providing a URL to it than trying to add the text of the document here, like so:

PhpWiki project homepage:

The Wiki does not support HTML tags (see TextFormattingRules). <tags>They will just render like text.</tags> Wiki is meant to be as simple as possible to encourage use.


The content of this page is Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Geoffrey T. Dairiki and the other authors of the content, whoever they may be.
This is free information and you are welcome redistribute it under certain conditions; see for details.
Absolutely no warrantee is made as to the correctness of the information on this page.