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Here's a list of topics which might be nice to have in this HammondWiki.
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How were the tonewheels cut?
Pressed on a fine blanking press's (similer to the type used to make clock parts!) cleaned up heat treated mounted on shaft then in to a very crude jig that was made to spin the tone wheels up and a pickup coil fed into a 1930's amp and energised speaker to listen for odd tones due to burrs and marks on the edge of the wheels after clean up this edge was coated (the red/brown paint) and on to assemble.
How were the generator output voltages adjusted? A completed generator was run up and the level on each output tag was measured and from a chart the rods were adjusted in with a very odd tool untill the output voltage was correct then a final tighten of the lock screw (these were fairly tight during the setup as the magnetic propertys could change and the levels shift)
The presses and tooling was well worn at the end and it was a major reason to stop tonewheels. (
This was one of a range of products for the guitarist! I had the last Hammond guitar and its polyphonic synth from the service center in the early 70's (looked like a Gibson clone with a strange 6 pole pickup at the bridge to drive the Synth they also made a small range of flamboyant colored amps! the guitar was amazing, Synth in a very nice case that would mount on a stand (bright colors on tabs and knobs)but at the time most players would not look at it, as they did not know what it was or what you could do with it! (
_(I've not heard of nor seen such a thing.) If you have a picture,mail it to me and I'll put it up here._ --JeffDairiki
Anything Hammond related is welcome here. (HammondClones count too!)
BradBaker has granted permission to use his OriginalHammondLeslieFaq as seed material for this site. I've put a copy of the OriginalHammondLeslieFaq online --- feel free to copy/paste from it to HammondWiki.
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