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Kon Zissis ( born in 1971 ) is a Hammond organ and Leslie rotary speaker cabinet enthusiast from Melbourne Australia . He is an amateur, self taught audio electronics tinkerer who is interested in the intricasies of what makes Hammonds and Leslies sound great.
He has compiled a large spreadsheet containing measurements of the TG output levels from many different Hammonds.
He has beefed up the sound of his 1962 C3 by replacing the deteriorated aged wax capacitors from the Tone wheel Generator and he has recalibrated the Tone wheel Generator and he has designed and built a ?12AX7 valve based EQ / Overdrive unit into his C3.
Kon also loves the sound of the Gibson electric guitars such as the Les Pauls , the 335's , the Flying V's and the SG's and the classic valve guitar amplifiers such as the old Marshalls , Fenders , Vox and Hiwattt amplifiers.
Some of Kon's favourite Hammond organ players whose Hammond organ tone and musical style that he loves are: Jon Lord ( Deep Purple ) , Ken Hensley ( Uriah Heep ) , Tony Kaye ( early Yes ), Gregg Rollie ( early Santana ), Gary Wright ( Spooky Tooth ) , Rod Argent ( Argent ), Steve Walsh ( Kansas ), John Paul Jones ( Led Zeppelin ), Keith Emerson , Ian Mclagan ( The Small Faces , The Faces ) Brian Auger , Booker T Jones , Jimmy Smith , ?Jack McDuff etc.
Kon's Yahoo email address is :
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