@@ -1,81 +1,30 @@-_
_: Before you start poking around in your Hammond or Leslie, please note that HammondsCanKillYou.
+_Warning_: Before you start poking around in your Hammond or Leslie,
please note that HammondsCanKillYou.
!Maintainance of a Hammond
-* ServiceManual -and how
to obtain one
-** [TechnicalServiceBulletins]
-** [HammondOrganServiceLetters]
-* [MovingAHammond]
-* OilingTheHammond
-** [Hammond Oil|HammondOil]
+* Where
to find a ServiceManual
+* [MovingAHammond],
+* OilingTheHammond: HammondOil.
+* HowtoAdjustThePreampDriveLevel
-* [HowToTestDriveAHammond] A
good primer on how to make sure that Hammond is working correctly.
-* Amplifier
-** PreampOutputLevel - How to check this.
-* Generator
* ToneGeneratorWontStart - Why
your tone generator may be having trouble starting, and what to do about it.
* MissingTones
-* CapacitorIdentification
-* Noise
* CausesOfHum - ''
'cause it doesn't know the words --- har,har''
* CausesOfCrossTalk
+* See
[HowToTestDriveAHammond] for a
good primer on how to make sure that Hammond is working correctly.
+* ToneGeneratorWontStart - Notes on why
your tone generator may be having trouble starting, and what to do about it.
+* MissingTones
+* CausesOfHum - _
'cause it doesn't know the words --- har,har_
+* CausesOfCrossTalk
* PercussionTroubleshooting
+* SwitchingVibratoMakesLoudPop
+* Checking the PreampOutputLevel
-* VibratoSystem
-** SwitchingVibratoMakesLoudPop
-* ShortsInTheManual
+* HowToCleanDrawbarContacts
+* HowToRebuildTheVibratoScanner
+* CapacitorReplacement
+* WhereToBuyTubes
-* Amplifier
-** HowtoAdjustThePreampDriveLevel.
-** [ReplacingAPreamp]
-** WhereToBuyTubes
-** TubeTypes
-** MicrophonicTubes
-* Generator
-** CapacitorReplacement
-** BrokenOilThreads
-* [Drawbars]
-** HowToCleanDrawbarContacts
-* VibratoSystem
-** HowToRebuildTheVibratoScanner
-** ManualZapping
-* Percussion
-** AdjustingPercussionCutoff
-* [Manuals|RepairingTheManuals]
* ManualAction
-*** KeyCombs
-*** ReplacingTheUpstopFelts
-** HowToRaiseTheManuals
-** HowToRemoveTheManuals
-** HowToCleanKeyContacts
-** BusbarLubeJob
-** [Keys]
-*** KeyCleaning
-*** KeyClack
-*** StuckKeys
-** PresetKeys
-* ToolsAndEquipment
-** BristolWrench
-** [DeoxIT]
- HammondOrgans
- HammondModifications