- Cable Identification on the Electro Tone Duet Sixteen Rotary Switch*
cable: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
manual: upper lower upper lower upper lower
connection: drawbars drawbars drawbar wires drawbar wires input transformer input transformer
wire 1: brown brown brown brown --- ---
wire 2: red red red red red red
wire 3: orange orange orange orange orange orange
wire 4: yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow
wire 5: green green green green green green
wire 6: blue blue blue blue blue blue
wire 7: violet violet violet violet violet violet
wire 8: grey grey grey grey
wire 9: white white
Cable #1 (Upper Drawbars)
- 9 wires (brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, white)
- Terminals on lower rotary switch cluster.
- Terminals vertically aligned.
- Terminals adjacent to cable #5 terminals.
- Terminals directly opposite side of switch to cable #3 terminals.
- Terminals aligned directly below cable #2 terminals.
Cable #2 (Lower Drawbars)
- 7 wires (brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet)
- Terminals on upper rotary switch cluster.
- Terminals vertically aligned.
- Terminals directly opposite side of switch to cable #4 terminals.
- Terminals aligned directly above cable #1 terminals.
Cable #3 (Upper Drawbar Wires)
- 9 wires (brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, white)
- Terminals on lower rotary switch cluster.
- Terminals vertically aligned.
- Terminals directly opposite side of switch to cable #1 terminals.
- Terminals aligned directly below cable #4 terminals.
Cable #4 (Lower Drawbar Wires)
- 7 wires (brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet)
- Terminals on upper rotary switch cluster.
- Terminals vertically aligned.
- Terminals directly opposite side of switch to cable #2 terminals.
- Terminals aligned directly above cable #3 terminals.
Cable #5 (Right Side Input ?Matching Transformer)
- 7 wires (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey)
- Terminals on lower rotary switch cluster.
- Terminals vertically aligned, except for yellow wire.
- Terminals adjacent to cable #5 terminals.
Cable #6 (Left Side Input ?Matching Transformer)
- 7 wires (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey)
- Terminals on upper rotary switch cluster.
- Orange, yellow, green, blue & grey terminals vertically aligned.
- Red & violet terminals vertically aligned, and grouped with cable #4 wires.
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