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How To Create a Home Page Here on HammondWiki

  1. Pick a nick-name to use on HammondWiki. I recommend using a ?WikiWord~ized version of your name.
  For example, I use JeffDairiki.  (You might try typing your nick-name into the search box
  at the top of the page to see if anyone else is already using it.)
  1. Add your nick-name to some page.
  If you've contributed a note, then you can sign the note with your nick-name,
  otherwise the SandBox is good place to use just to scribble.  (If you've included initials
  or have only one word in your nick-name you may have to put square brackets around it
  to get it to linkify.)
  1. Assuming that you've picked an unused nick-name, a question mark should show up next
  to your nick-name.  ?ClickTheQuestionMark to edit your home page.

Home Page Conventions

Add a link to CategoryHomepage at the bottom of your homepage. That makes it easy for people to find all the home pages.

Home Page Uses

  you can use your homepage as a scratch pad, in which to accumulate your thoughts.

The content of this page is Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Geoffrey T. Dairiki and the other authors of the content, whoever they may be.
This is free information and you are welcome redistribute it under certain conditions; see for details.
Absolutely no warrantee is made as to the correctness of the information on this page.