Console Organs have two 5 octave manuals, they often use an external speaker system like a Leslie or tone cabinet but a few console models have internal speakers and amplifiers.
- 100 Series (A-100, D-100) consoles have an internal speaker system. Otherwise exactly the same as the "-3" series organ.
- "-3" series consoles have SelectiveVibrato and Percussion as standard.
- "-2" series consoles have SelectiveVibrato but no Percussion
- "V" series (BV, CV) consoles have NonSelectiveVibrato and a control for Vibrato Chorus. No Percussion.
- "C series" (BC, D, G) consoles have Tremolo, a ChorusGenerator, no vibrato, no Percussion.
- "E series" consoles have 32-key AGO PedalClavier with expanded voicing, split Tremolo, a ChorusGenerator, preset toe pistons. (These are sometimes called the "concert" models,)
- "A" series (A, AB, B-A) consoles have: Tremolo, no chorus generator, no vibrato, no Percussion
- H-100
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