I have been fascinated with organs and keyboards of all kinds for much of my life - even as a child, anytime I entered a new house, my eyes would case the joint for a Magnus chord organ or crappy home organ (with Magic Rhythm!) to peck around on. Though I started my serious musical career as a drummer, I learned how to play guitar, bass and keyboards along the way, and finally made the committment to the latter in 1998 when I picked up a Korg CX-3 drawbar organ. This and a fabulous array of vintage synthesizers, electronic pianos and such served me well for several years, but eventually I had to satisfy my lust for the real thing - a Hammond organ.
I picked up an L-100 in 2001 and, surprisingly, my bandmates were impressed enough that they consented to helping me haul the bloody thing to gigs! Not too long thereafter I found an S-6 chord organ - don't laugh; just think of it as a Solovox (itself a rare and much sought-after Hammond oddity) with a lot of other features, which is exactly what it is!
Just recently I managed to get my hands on an wonderful replacement for my L-100 - a 1955 M-3. I'm still running my organ through a Digitech RPM Leslie simulator but hope to move up to "the real thing" soon enough. I am trying to keep the Hammond sound alive in rock via my band Rocket Park - check out our web page at http://www.rocketparkmusic.com, and drop me a line at
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