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The designation B+ refers to the plate supply voltage in vacuum tube circuits. In most tube circuits (and in HammondOrgans) it is typically a few hundred volts. This is a lethal voltage (see HammondsCanKillYou.)
Many of the earlier Hammond ConsoleOrgans (e.g. BV's) did not produce their own B+ supply voltage. Instead they obtained their B+ from their tone-cabinet. Hammond ToneCabinets, as well as Leslie122's and other ?DifferentialInput Leslies provide B+, the ?SingleEndedInput Leslies do not supply B+.
If you have one of the Hammonds which lacks B+, and you'd like to use it without a ToneCabinet which provides B+, it's a fairly simple matter to build a suitable power supply. Or you can buy one pre-made --- Hampton makes one (model BPLUS1).
RobertHayton has some simple circuits (from BobSchleicher) for generating B+ at:
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